Sebelum ni saya ada cerita pasal ikhlas selalu meragam sejak balik kampung ni kan..kadang2 rasa angin satu bdn menahan sabar dengan kerenah dia..semlm saya terbaca dlm fb info kat bawah rasa bersalah plak kat ikhlas..mama mintak maaf ye sayang..mama tak tahu ada istilah tantrum mama kongsi moga jadi panduan jugak pada ibu2 lain..
Anak berusia 1.5 tahun ke 2.5 tahun akan mula memberontak, buang barang, merajuk dan protest. Jika anak anda berkelakuan demikian, bukan bermaksud dia sudah menjadi degil atau kurang ajar. Anak sekecil ini, tidak akan kurang ajar. Dia sedang belajar untuk ekspres diri dia disebabkan dia berasa letih atau kecewa akan sesuatu.
Oleh itu jalan untuk membantu dia menjadi tenang:
1- pegang dia seperti dalam gambar ini.
2- bisikan anda sayang dia dan understand perasaan dia.
3- baca ayat Quran dan A'uzubillah hi manasyaitan nir rajim, supaya syaitan tidak mengambil kesempatan kpd nya dan anda.
4-tenangkan dia dengan kata-kata kasih dan anda pun perlu tenang
5- JANGAN SEKALI-KALI MARAH DAN MENJERIT ATAU MEMUKULNYA KONONNYA UNTUK MENDISIPLINKAN DIA. Ini hanya akan menjadikan dia anak yang pengecut atau yang suka memberontak.
Salam kasih,
Ibu Rose
Lepas Terbaca info ni, saya google lagi pasal tuntrum ni..antara yg saya dpt:
What causes a tantrum?
Not every show of anger or defiance is a tantrum. Toddlers can pull away, yell, even stamp their feet or go so stiff that you can't fold them into their buggies, without having tantrums. A full-blown tantrum is something special: the emotional equivalent of a blown fuse. Once a tantrum is under way, it is not something that an adult can interrupt or a child can stop to order.
A tantrum is most likely when a load of frustration -- often spiked with fear or anxiety -- builds up inside the toddler until she is so full of tension that only an explosion can release it. Sometimes the build-up is slow. There may be afternoons when you know at lunchtime that a tantrum is brewing and you'll be lucky to make it through to bedtime without one. Sometimes, though, a tantrum strikes so fast and unexpectedly that it really is as if the child's fuse blew because somebody pushed the wrong button. While the tantrum lasts, the toddler is overwhelmed by her own internal rage; lost to the world, and terrified by the violent feelings which she cannot control. However unpleasant your toddler's tantrums are for you, they are much worse for her.
What happens during a tantrum?
Children's behaviour during a full-blown tantrum varies, but your particular child will probably behave similarly each time: she may rush around the room, wild and screaming. Remember that she is out of control, so anything movable that happens to be in her path will be knocked flying. If you do not protect her, she may even crash into solid walls and heavy furniture. She may fling herself on the floor, writhing, kicking and screaming as if she were fighting with demons. Anyone who gets within range is likely to get kicked -- so be careful if you try to pick her up. She may scream and scream until she makes herself hoarse; makes herself retch; even makes herself throw up. She may scream and turn blue in the face because she has breathed out so far that, for the moment, she cannot breathe in again. Breath-holding tantrums are the most alarming of all for parents to watch. The child may go without breathing for so long that her face looks greyish and she almost loses consciousness. It is quite impossible for her actually to damage herself in this way. Her body's reflexes will reassert themselves and force air back into her lungs long before she is in any danger.
At what ages do tantrums start and stop?
Although toddlers are notorious for tantrums, they are not unusual in babies as young as nine months -- and a lot more four year olds than their parents admit are still capable of lying in the middle of the supermarket, drumming their heels!
So...mcm mana ibu2.. Betul kata org, nak jadi ibu Bukan senang...byk lg ilmu yg kita tak tahu...lepas ni nak cool je bila ikhlas bt perangai....
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